Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Moral Authority and "Leadership"

Just got back from dieseling up Black Thunder. Grab a seat, and run these numbers along with me:

21.2346 gallons x $4.659 =
The $98.93 Fill-up

Whoa. Still, fuel is cheap compared to what we're facing ahead.

Don't blame the oil companies, politicians (and think that an election will lower oil prices) or the speculator gnomes. And don't point fingers at India, China or anybody else.

Since World War II Americans have expected, or demanded, an extravagant standard of consumption that would be ecologically unsustainable if adopted by the rest of the world. Because we're "the greatest nation on earth and deserve it."

Now that Americans are facing the reality of a free market system that allows new players a seat at the pricing table, is it just coincidence that we're the ones hollering the loudest about the need for Conservation?

In other words, now we want the rest of the world (i.e. the developing nations we perceive as ruining our cheap gas holiday) to do what we never could make ourselves do ... stop consuming so much of the planet's resources.

Otherwise, Americans might not have gas at all for their boat and SUVs.

What's the best way to do get the world on board with conservation? US politicians argue we can "use our leadership to teach the world how to conserve." Wow. Talk about arrogance and bold-faced hubris.

If you lived in any other country besides the US, what country would you like assuming the self-appointed mantel of conservation Leadership? Brazil, maybe?

Nope; no matter what country you live in, you don't want any other country butting in and interfering with your internal affairs. Seems like we woulda learned that by now, doesn't it?

Doesn't it?

That our politicians would have the gall to suggest the US should appoint itself a "Leadership role" in Conservation is indicative that the same self-deluding mentality that's kept our consumption engine firing on all 12 cylinders for the last 50 years is still alive & remains integral to the national character.

Never mind that an election is just around the corner. Get Out and Vote- for cheap gas!

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Americans like thinking of ourselves as Leaders because Leaders are #1. Leaders are smarter, brighter and more perceptive than the rest of the dummies, right? Doesn't everyone except us want to be led by Team America? Wasn't everyone else born to be followers?

So why do the followers seem to have so much trouble following our Leadership? What's wrong with those foreign guys, anyway? Go Team Go!

Just don't go broke going to the gas pump in the meantime.

-- --
Maybe having just a hint of familiarity and experience with the subject, as well as sharing the consequences of our decisions, would put a few more moral gallons of authority in our leadership tank.

In the meantime, we shouldn't be surprised if the rest of the world ignores us ... or just keeps on laughing.