Friday, November 28, 2008

I paid my money, so why didn't I see Him?

Scripture tells us that after Christ was resurrected he remained on earth for more than a month, and appeared to hundreds and hundreds of believers before he ascended into Heaven.

I started wondering about the folks who followed Jesus during his 3-year ministry, but then weren't included among those who literally eye-witnessed his resurrection.

And I started wondering if one of them might have been named Brother Bigbux.

Oh I can still hear him, griping and complaining to the disciples, "Why didn't anybody tell me Jesus was back?  I had to hear it from Peter, because nobody ever tells me what's going on with this church.

"Haven't I been generous with my tithes and offerings?  Didn't I donate a warehouse-full of palm fronds when nobody else had any?  

"Why, I've contributed more than anybody else and frankly, if it wasn't for me this ministry woulda folded in its first year.  Didn't that entitle me to know Jesus was back?  If I'd known he was back, then I coulda told him some of my ideas about fixing what's wrong with His church.

"You know what?  I don't believe Jesus came back.  I think ya'll made it up. Because if he'd really come back from the grave, I woulda been the very first person he appeared to.

"So I'm withdrawing my financial support from this church and finding me a place where the congregation appreciates all my opinions and contributions.

"Oh and one other thing.  What'd ya'll do to hurt Judas's feelings?"

Yep, I feel quite certain a man like that must've existed.