Monday, March 17, 2008

Worshipping the Version?

I've been seeing more churches using the label KJV-Only to describe themselves.

Publicizing which translation they use is neither an accident nor any inconsequential theological thing. In a world without standards or values, KJV-Onlys are adamant about proclaiming the KJV alone to be God's inerrant & inspired word.

In a nutshell, KJV-Onlys believe the KJV was divinely translated, and is thus a divine preservation of the original divine texts. All other translations are therefore imperfect and will inevitably corrupt readers (and churches) by misleading them with false doctrines.

"God has always given His word in just one language. The OT in Hebrew, the NT in Greek. When these two were put together, He chose English." -source

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If God truly chose English as the language for his word, well, does that mean every non-speaking person in the world won't be receiving God's word, a "real Bible," at all ... but merely a translation that's second best?

Was that what God intended by choosing the KJV?
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It's funny. Two different people can read the same KJV text yet still arrive at vastly different interpretations. Each person could cite the same verses to support their position ... and each person could argue themselves bluebook in the face that only their position was "literal and not an interpretation."

Just look at all the conflicting traditional religions around the world that describe themselves as Christian and identify themselves as Protestant or Baptist or Faithful-something else. They fight each other with one hand and preach KJV from the other. Each one is adamant the others got it all wrong ... and each one blows dust from the KJV's 400 year old pages into their brothers' eyes --- not to witness and win souls for Christ ... but to prove I'm Right.

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Does God really mean for believers to slam each other upside the head with each others' codices, flawed versions and translations to prove who's right?

No. Publicly announcing "We're a KJV-only church" on a church's outside translates to acting like "God likes us more and we're holier than you" on that church's inside.

And that translation of scripture is among the most flawed interpretations of all.