Sunday, April 01, 2007

Here's an idea...Papa and I have formulated a plan. I blow off the Masters, meet Papa at the airport, we hop a plane to Vegas, kidnap B and spend the rest of the week shoe shopping and watching shows. I know how to do the Vegas Showgirl walk by the way. I learned in dance class. And PR knows how to kill a NY Strip. So look for the next post from Vegas in a few days!


o.r.p. said...

Please please PLEASE come here! I am in possession of a suite... lol :-D
--b in Vegas alone...

Anonymous said...

vegas? what about down by the riverside? what about say some Peter O Knight upside down action to get in touch with my spiritual self, or as the papy says "free born sprit"

joe hall said...

Close! Close in here Pete! With the first as the last ....