Thursday, June 12, 2008

Snittering (updated)

"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." -Archilochus
Maybe, but the ridgeback doesn't know what Archilochus is talking about.

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What's Snittering? Snittering would be a blog post consisting of news snippets.

Snittering occurs when a blogger lists several topics of relevance or interest, and presents them with a minimum of discussion or further detail.

-- -- Thursday's Snitters:

Oxymorons include Military Intelligence. Jumbo Shrimp. Legally Drunk. Exact Estimate. New York Culture. Rap Music.
Can we finally add "Safe Sex"" to the list, please?

-from today's "Death by Plastic" Department:
"WASHINGTON — The credit crisis triggered by bad home loans is spreading to other areas, forcing banks to tighten credit and probably extending the credit crisis that's dragging down the economy well into next year, and perhaps beyond.

""In fact, we believe that what lies ahead will be worse than what is behind us," Whitney and colleagues at Oppenheimer & Co. wrote in a lengthy report last month about threats faced by big national banks, including Bank of America, Wachovia and others." - source

-from todays "Gas is Still Cheap, I'm tellin' ya!" Department:
Just read this.

I think my CD player has a bug:

No idea what it is, but I found this guy riding one of the speaker grilles in the helm the other morning. Poor thing looks like he evolved from a cotton swab and a toothpick; Darwin said it could happen.

Bless his heart.