Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Whatcha watching?

Miami Vice (2006)

The HD-DVD version (not the theatrical release) from NetFlix came last week; I've probably watched the entire movie 8 times in the past 5 days. Here's someone else's review from epinions:

"Despite the snazzy previews and hottie stars Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx, Miami Vice turned out to be heavy-handed, pretentious, and generally no fun. By taking itself too seriously, Miami Vice ruined a perfectly good series of action scenes. Cheesy lines of dialogue abound. Think: “Why do I get the feeling everyone knows we're here 15 blocks out?” “'Cause everyone knows we're here 15 blocks out.” The “love scenes” feel like low-budget porn or bad music videos. Mr_chelledun and I actually laughed out loud several times at the corniness and absurdity of it all."

Maybe the author was expecting either a corny send-off to the 80s TV show, or a fast & furious shoot-'em-up action film, which Miami Vice is definitely not.
Unless lack of use has caused your brain to atrophy to the size of a wart, movies should be more than fun and a perfectly good series of action scenes.

So why have I watched so many times?

I had to watch Miami Vice four times just to start getting a handle on what was going on. Seriously. And each time I watched, I saw & learned things I'd totally missed the last time around. Things that, added together, made for a BIGGER picture. Subtleties that leave an impression you can still feel the morning after.

I'm just not a big fan of movies that show like a slap in the face & shout, "Here I am, sport. What you see is all there is ... take it or leave it."

The kind of movie you've forgotten before you leave the theater.

-- -- --
Best lines from Miami Vice, imho:

Isabella: Would you find me?
Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: Yes, I would.

Det. James 'Sonny' Crockett: Hola, chica.
Isabella: Hola, chico.