Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I thought LOST was on hiatus - updated

There's a tableaux occuring downstairs I can't quite figure out.

McCoy's laptop is parked on dj's table in my dining room.

Everytime I go near it I'm afraid black smoke is gonna come swirling through the screen-saver, chase me through the downstairs for a few minutes and then drag me kicking and screaming down down the ductwork ... at this point I wouldn't be surprised if I found a big alabaster foot wading in the bathtub.


Just went downstairs, and McCoy's laptop is gone.

Stop it.

I found the laptop in its case by the front door, just where I'd left it. Now it's back where it belongs, and so am I. Exasperating.


o.r.p. said...

Perhaps your house is haunted after all..? :-D


joe hall said...

Hey no kidding, I posted that first entry and went to return the laptop ... and tore the house apart for 20 minutes before I saw it beside the front door.
(Did I already mention "push button ignition"? yuk yuk)