Monday, October 22, 2007

All right, young lady ...

Don't have sex.

"But I'd rather you take these than get pregnant and ruin your future. Just don't say anything to your father ... I told him it's because you get such bad cramps."

Right right right.

1 comment:

o.r.p. said...

Ummm. I don't know how often this actually happens, Joe. Lots of times the BC pills ARE for reasons other than contraception.. If I were a parent, I would be more interested in making sure my teen knew about and had access to other forms of contraception.. mainly condoms. BC pills do not protect against STD's and STD's are a heck of a lot worse than pregnancy!!!

Religiously.. well yeah it's sticky. You don't want your teen to have sex before marriage, but in the world we're surrounded by, there needs to be a reality check somewhere; You aren't going to be able to stop them from doing it if they want to. And we've all been there. We wanted to. They want to. (Most of us still want to, don't we? If we are honest with ourselves?)

The only thing you can do once they reach that point is hope that you instilled in them good values, and you educate them sufficiently on the adult choices they are going to make.. like contraception and sex.

Just my two cents. ;-)