Thursday, October 18, 2007

Farewell, old friends

I've had these for 12 years and hate to throw them out.


o.r.p. said...

Ew, Joe! You actually put your FEET in those?? THey look like they would EAT anything you put in them! LOL Time for some new tennis shoes, my friend! Is there a shopping trip in your future??? Maybe your frugal self needs to come to the BW with me..? ;-)

ken said...

Don't give in... preserve your inner packrat. I have a pair of Birkenstocks (I'm wearing them today) that are 11 years old. They stink, really really bad actually. But I think they're growing at least 7 different types of fungus that can't be found anywhere else on Earth.

I theorize that this fungus, if allowed to prosper, will hold the cures to slow muscle growth and male pattern baldness.

joe hall said...

Yes, yes .... shoes from the BW for me! Show me the two for $1 pile!

Francake said...

WOW!! Joe Hall we are so going to have to replace those....I mean wow!
Hey, here's an idea: why dont you replace them with some crocs? hehe