Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Tugedendum: the basics of steering against blowing wind, shifting currents and prevailing tides

Earlier tonight I was talking to Captain Bo and learned he also pilots barges around the Chesapeake ... including going under the Bay Bridge ... and that he does repair work on big commercial tugs.  

I mentioned that I'd watched two tugs dock Astro Coach last week and remarked about the amazing skill of the captains piloting the tugs.

Bo said, "And there's a guy you don't see way up at the top of the ship, looking down and watching, telling them what to do next.  He's who's in control."

Roger captain, copy that.

--   ---  --

Then I asked him "How steerable is a 100-foot barge, really?" while it's being pushed against bitter winds and unfavorable currents. Especially when the slightest boo-boo or the tiniest miscalculation could take out the center span of a major metropolitan bridge. 

I hope Bo's answer stays with me for a long time: 

"It's all a matter of horsepower."

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