Saturday, October 14, 2006

Solid Gold

"Time allows you to truly understand ..."

Stop whatever you're doing right now and click here.

Joe Sangl's October 12 post is titled "Financial Advice to Married Persons" but I'd add the caption ... and for folks who might one day get married.

Then print out 100 copies (we tend to lose things over the years), and carry one folded copy in your purse or wallet to have handy for reference the next time you meet Mr or Miss Awesomely Right.

Ask them to read it, explaining that you've got a few questions about the future and that you're curious to find out what they think. Do this long before any possibility of getting engaged is even a remote possibility ... like on the second (but no later than third) date.

Here's a hint straight from the core binding of The Blue Book.

If the new hottie who's put a twinkle in your eye and a skip in your step rolls their eyes, skims over the page and says something insightful like "I'm not interested in any of that stuff" or shrugs off the subject of financial responsibility without telling you what they think, then you're left with just one option for that relationship:

Don't walk away ... start running and don't spare the horses.

I promise you will not be looking back at Joe Sangl's advice five years from now, wondering why on earth you made life so hard when you had everything you needed to make it so easy.

Those with ears should start hearing.

I'll bet couples in love spend 1500% more time thinking about sex than they do thinking about their finances. Which goes a long way toward explaining why so many married couples find themselves financially screwed.


Anonymous said...

However...we want money (and power) to have we can attract a we can have it any wonder that couples in love spend 1500% more time thinking about sex than money...people believe that money rules the world but it's only so they can have more sex (or sex with a partner they find worthy) is what truly rules the world.

Anonymous said...

...And couples that are fighting about money (most)are more than likely not having enough sex.