Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Welcome, and stuff

Mike makes docking Calypso backwards into her slip -- on one engine -- look easy. He knows lots of stuff I can't even imagine.

How much is that duck in the window? Buck the Duck drops by the galley for breakfast. I love Buck; he's my bud and his significant other, Gertrude, wears a bracelet. Seriously.

Here's a photo of what the new fridge looks like.

This is the view from the helm.

The levers on the left are the transmission shifters. The two on the right are my favorites ... the throttles. G means Go! ... to the gas dock.

Ah, the not-really-spacious interior.

There's the galley, so you can even cook exotic meals from frozen trays.

A view looking aft (to the back). The rear berth is behind the teak door, under the (now removed) TV. I've heard people can live and sleep down there, but I'm too scared to find out.

On Star Trek Captain Kirk would've punched the intercom and called "The engine room." To me, it's the bilge. Bad stuff happens down there. Frequently and often. Once in a while, it's painful. BTW, that first step is a real doozy.

Usually it's painful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that poison ivy? Is it out and about for the summer? Or bruises? OUCH!! Wow, look at all that food in your refrigerator, it never looked like that at McDuffie...I am too busy to blog:( Catch up with you soon!!