Monday, June 25, 2007

Meanwhile in Arusha ...

Forget for a minute that the weatherman says it's only 92 degrees here in The Electric City. Merely stepping outside for a minute will confirm there's a meteorological scandal cooking somewhere in the ionosphere ... because it sure feels more like 115 degrees to me.

What about Arusha?

Hee hee, at noon today the high was only 64 degrees F (that's 18 C) with a relative humidity of only 67% and last night hit 55 degrees F.

Man, you'd practically need a sweater.


o.r.p. said...

It's definitely grown since i was there... :-)

joe hall said...

B- Vernon told me there's a scene near the end of "Hatari" where John Wayne drives a herd of elephants through the streets, past the clock tower.