Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Whose whistle are ya hearin' when his train rolls up in the station? - clarified

Wow. A few minutes ago I was driving back to the marina and something so simple occurred to me it nearly turned me into a 2-legged train wreck.

Ladies, if you start thinking "you're serious about" a guy and he:

-Can't pay for your date
-Can't afford to buy your clothes
-Can't make ALL your car payments
-Won't pay for ALL your insurance
-Can't pay his own rent
-Won't share paying off your tuition
-Can't put a roof over your head (and put your name on the deed)
-Won't participate in paying off your credit cards
-Can't afford to buy groceries for one person and pay the rent
-Has as little to do with your family as he possibly can
-Doesn't treat you like you're the best human thing that ever happened to him
-Won't put the biggest durn diamond ring he can afford on your finger to let the world know "This woman is taken ... because she's worth being with and keeping for a lifetime" ...

Then why the heck would you be willing to let your body become the latest available receptacle for his emotional/moral/spiritual shortcomings? Aren't ya worth just a little bit more than that?

Just asking.


o.r.p. said...

Hmmm.. I wouldn't expect a guy to pay for all that if we were just dating.. If we were getting married and he expected me to stay home with the children, then YES, definitely. But.. you expect a lot from a guy, Joe. ;-)
Not that I disagree or anything.

I think that a lot of women would take serious advantage of a guy like that though.


joe hall said...

Hi B,
I meant a girl/woman might not wanna give 100% of herself to a guy/man who's not willing to give 100% of himself.

ps. When there's something on their minds that won't let go, men can be such goal-oriented, opportunity-driven liars. Yikes.

o.r.p. said...

Ok, with the clarifications, that's a good point. :-)