Thursday, July 17, 2008

Am I A Moron?

Recently mentioned that I'm reading Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon by Daniel C. Dennett. On Tuesday I came to this:

"According to a recent survey, only about a quarter of the population of the United States understands that evolution is about as well established as the fact that water is H20."

"What about the Scientific Creationists and Intelligent Deign proponents who are so vocal and visible in well-publicized campaigns? They have all been carefully and patiently rebutted by conscientious scientists who have taken the trouble to penetrate their smoke screens of propaganda and expose their shifty arguments and their apparently deliberate misrepresentations and evasions."

In other words, you're a dope unless you think like a "bright."

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Here's an example of "scientific evidence" that human beings are descended, via evolution, from apes:

"Chromosome 2 is widely accepted to be a result of an end-to-end fusion of two ancestral chromosomes. [3][4] The evidence for this includes:
  • The correspondence of chromosome 2 to two ape chromosomes. The closest human relative, the chimpanzee, has near-identical DNA sequences to human chromosome 2, but they are found in two separate chromosomes. The same is true of the more distant gorilla and orangutan. [5][6]
  • The presence of a vestigial centromere. Normally a chromosome has just one centromere, but in chromosome 2 we see remnants of a second. [7]
  • The presence of vestigial telomeres. These are normally found only at the ends of a chromosome, but in chromosome 2 we see additional telomere sequences in the middle. [8]
  • Chromosome 2 is thus strong evidence in favour of the common descent of humans and other apes. According to researcher J. W. IJdo, "We conclude that the locus cloned in cosmids c8.1 and c29B is the relic of an ancient telomere-telomere fusion and marks the point at which two ancestral ape chromosomes fused to give rise to human chromosome."
-Wiki source

Do I understand one iota of what that means? Nope ... and I can't responsibly comment on this article either.

But it does sound to me like genomic instability is more likely to create runaway cell divisions (like cancer) than to cause apes to evolve into human beings.

Post Hoc is the logical fallacy "If X follows Y, then X was caused by Y." In other words, it's false to assume that the sequence of events proves cause.

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"If the facts don't fit the theory, change the facts."
-Albert Einstein

It's ironic that astro-physicists peer through their telescopes across the vastness of the universe and have little trouble admitting, "We don't know all the answers." As their knowledge increases, physicists are constantly exploring and developing new theories about how the universe began.

But evolutionists can point to fossils and angrily claim "We do know all the answers ... since 1859! You're descended from apes --- and dumb as dirt if you don't believe it."