Sunday, July 27, 2008


Until just a few minutes ago, I had no idea an organization like Peacemakers existed.

"Peacemaker Ministries was founded in 1982 by a group of pastors, lawyers, and business people who wanted to encourage and assist Christians to respond to conflict biblically.

"Since then we have developed educational resources, seminars, and conciliation training to help Christians learn how to serve God as peacemakers in the conflicts they encounter in everyday life.

"We also provide conflict coaching, mediation, and arbitration services to help resolve personal conflicts, business disputes, church and ministry divisions, and even complicated lawsuits.

"The good news is that because God is in control, it is possible to view conflict as an opportunity to glorify God, serve others, and grow to be more like Christ."

The page titled "Get Help With A Conflict" is particularly worth checking out.