Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Sin Round-Up

What sins are the worst sins? The sins so bad that everyone can agree, "Now that's a big sin" ... the sins that are likely to get you noticed, or even kicked out of church?

Should we include Dancing? Drinking alcohol? What about going to movies or football games on Sunday, listening to country music ... or wearing jeans to church?

Some denominations (proudly) define themselves by prohibiting those behaviors, and committing those activities might violate their covenants and earn you a stern warning, but reasonable folks could argue whether they're even sins in the first place.

I Define Myself As A Christian By Condemning Others For Their Sins

What about swearing? Lying? Stealing? Gossiping ... or speeding? Now there's some real sins- 4 of them are specifically enjoined in scripture- but the only transgression likely to get you booted through the church door is stealing (and that's if you're caught stealing from them).

Sin's Not A Sin Unless I Say So

Then there's the red-letter sins, like lust, adultery and coveting. No argument that those are some of the "worst" sins, right? Thing is, none of them will get you kicked out of church either ... not unless you're caught or found out.

If It Walks Like A Deacon, Talks Like A Deacon, And Prays Using Thee and Thou

What's happening here? Man-made rules are created to prohibit public behaviors, acts that might not even be sins in the first place, ostensibly to define what makes Christians different from sinners ... while public behaviors that are clearly sinful, like wrath, arrogance, pride, gossip and coveting- fly by without once raising an eyebrow.

Going To God Looking Our Best ... but keeping the rest in the closet

Traditionally, churches have been preoccupied with outward appearances as a measure of righteousness or "spiritual success":

Teen-aged girls wearing dresses, ribbons, long sleeves (and flat heels) to church are "nice girls" who obviously aren't having sex. Teen-aged boys who show up on Sunday mornings with a tie and neatly-combed hair aren't doing drugs, getting fall-down drunk the night before or cheating in school.

"Family men" who drag their kids to church three times a week can't possibly be addicted to gambling or porn. Mothers who volunteer in the church nursery and serve on the Benevolence committee can't be having affairs, struggling with alcohol or suffering with a dependence on prescription drugs.

Appearance Counts For Lots

It's just, lots of Not Too Much.