Saturday, July 26, 2008

Reaching for The God Switch

You know the feeling.

Suddenly, no matter how honest your hopes and expectations, the world seems about to fall apart and come crashing down in boulder-sized chunks. Never mind how it happened. You just need a way out because Life is coming from every direction ... and it's too late to do anything but reach for The God Switch.

It usually goes something like this: Oh Dear Lord I'm so sorry, I've learned my lesson this time. I promise. If you'll just help me out this one time I promise I'll turn myself around and do exactly what you want me to do with my life. I really mean it this time and, and ... and ... well God, how about it? Aren't you listening!

We reach for The God Switch to ask him to turn off all our problems, and make what's wrong go away.

Wow. Since we're all about being fair, wonder what life would be like if God had a [insert your name here] Switch?

-- -- --

You're in the middle of something important, when suddenly the [insert your name here] Switch turns on. It's God again ... and there's something only you can do. He wants you to invite your neighbor to church. Or forgive your co-worker. Or admit an error of judgment you've made about a friend. Or witness to your spouse, and share what Christ means in your life.

What's your response?

Oh no, God. Please not now. Things are going along so good and I don't want to cause trouble or make anyone uncomfortable by bringing you into the situation. What would people think? Can't it wait? Can't you just handle this one on your own? Dear Lord, I mean, what have you done for me lately?

-- -- --

Seems like so long as Christ's sacrifice on the cross doesn't interfere with our hopes/plans/expectations for our relationships/career/sinful habits, we tend to forget that salvation creates a permanent and eternal relationship.

At least until our plans fall apart, and we find ourselves reaching for The God Switch one more time.