Saturday, October 11, 2008

Getting really Real

What's your Faith based on?

Being a BIG SHOT in your church?  Your role on a committee, or your assurance that your pastor can't wait to return your phone calls?

Is it based on dressing up for church, singing hymns and feeling superior or self-righteous toward sinners?  Is church really all about suits, steeples and contatas?

Are you struggling as a believer, satisfied your sins are small and "don't really make a difference?" Is your faith based on "just getting by" or "trying to hang on and do the right thing"...  in hopes of rewards and a blissful eternity in Heaven?

Are any of those things really what being a believer is all about?

Or is your Faith really based on the gospel and a real conviction that the Son of God loved you so much he was willing to die, and was resurrected from the grave, to pay your debt in full and forgive your sins ... for Real.