Sunday, October 26, 2008

A prayer for you this Sunday morning

Said a prayer for you this morning, but it might not have been what you're thinking.

I didn't ask God to give you peace or to make your life easy by solving your current crisis.  I didn't ask the Creator to fix your car, buy you a new computer or change your boss's opinion of you and I didn't ask Him to help you find your long-awaited "soul mate." 

I didn't even ask God to be on your side, or to be your personal genie and grant you three magic wishes.

Nope, none of those things.  Instead, I asked God to totally ruin your day.

I asked God to use the next preacher you hear to pierce your heart, to blister your eyes with the gospel and kick the seat out from under your lies, your selfish hopes and your false convictions.  

I asked God to open your eyes and show you yourself and your life as He sees you.

I asked that the Holy Spirit would convict your heart of its sins, as proof of your inability to stop them.   

And that you'd see how sin is controlling your life.

I prayed that today you'd be so angry and so tired that you'd stop running and give up right where you're sitting; that you'd finally let go of every lie and every deceit; that you'd ask Christ in to your heart and literally beg Him to break the life you've been living into pieces.

And that today you'd find the joy of eternal life through Him.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
- Matthew 11:29-30