Monday, October 27, 2008

Loading up the bases: batter up (slight updates)

Sorry, but the World Series is playing in the background and it's boring ... although wondering about what's going on in a pitcher's mind got my attention.

Imagine that like the Tampa Bay Rays, you're way in over your head in the World Series during an away game, trailing the series 3 games to 1.

As the team's Number One pitcher, the situation you're facing is grim: tonight it's everything: Make-Or-Break ... and entirely on your shoulders whether you'll fall apart and lose in a spectacularly humiliating fashion and ride home in silence and chagrin, or trust what you know and triumph to play another game ... and ultimately win the World Series at home.

But wait, it gets even better.

-- -- --

You're trailing in runs with a full 3-2 count against a heavy-hitting batter who doesn't mind crowding the plate. In case there's any doubt in your mind, Yes, the entire season comes down to just one pitch: your next one.

Every eyeball in the stadium is fixed on you. TV commentators are broadcasting your name across the planet, and they're all waiting to see what you'll do and how you'll perform when performance counts.

Starting to feel some pressure?

All alone on the mound, nervously turning the ball over and over between your fingers, the batter is grimacing in your direction and hefting imaginary homeruns at the stands. You feel a lump in your throat because you don't like the signals you're getting from home plate but sorry, this ain't the NFL ... and you can't signal the sidelines for a time-out.

It's all on you baby.

When it's now or ever and the whole world's watching, how confident will you be of the outcome once you've given your very best ... and finally let go of the ball?