Saturday, February 16, 2008

"Anderson faith leaders don't see gambling as a possibility for their churches

— Some Anderson faith leaders say they are wary of the chance that churches and nonprofits soon could be able to host card and casino nights to raise money.

A state Senate subcommittee has approved legislation that would exempt the two groups from South Carolina’s 200-year-old law that prohibits dice and card games."

Some faiths teach that tithing is an "old covenant" remnant and no longer applies to believers, which has lead some cash-crunched congregations to consider "alternative income streams" ... like gambling.

Wonder what we'd see first?

Bingo baptism services? Blackjack for Baptists? Dice for Christ? Slot machines in the vestibule? Fundamentalist Football parlay cards?

Ugh, seems like we don't mind parting with money ... so long as we're having double-down FUN! doing it.