Thursday, February 07, 2008

the post I almost wrote ...

was gonna be about the nerve of some people.

See, there was a new guy here at The Breakfast Place who talks way too loud and has way too much fun to be taking his job seriously (which, as you know, can be disruptive and distracting when you're online and trying to eat ... while buried under the crushing burden of trying to stay caught up on Facebook).

This dude had the audacity to call his daughter on the phone, in front of everybody, and sing her a roof-shaking Happy Birthday for her sixth birthday.

Then, cringe, he had the nerve to come over and actually start talking to me. One on one. Telling me about his life and goals and stuff. I could hardly get a word in edge-wise.

Turns out he goes to Redemption. Turns out their message last night came from Galatians.

Turns out new friends can show up when you're least expecting it ... and I learn a lot from posts that don't get written.