Monday, February 04, 2008

What's that in the lake, a duck?

Are ya tired of reading my long-winded boat stories?

You should be there when they're happening in real-life: I'm especially tired of living them.

I pulled up the anchor this morning and decided to circle the unfamiliar little island before heading back, so I'd be more familiar next time out.

So then I see a duck about thirty feet ahead, slightly off to the right. But as I get closer the duck shows no indication of moving. When I'm about 20 feet away I realize it ain't no duck.

It's the top of a tree.

Never mind that the depth finder indicated there was 35 feet of water underneath me: the lake's down almost 20 feet and all sorts of stuff that's been submerged for 40 years has started rearing up from the bottom. I jerked both engines into reverse and crept backwards like a blind mouse right outta there.

Well, I'm sure I had a point when I started ... I'm just glad it's not protruding through the bottom of the hull.