Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gossip Hound

No one enjoys being the subject of gossip, but sometimes the dirt blows back in the most doggone directions.

Coupla years ago the girl I was dating came by after work and told me, "I ran into So-and-So today, and she said she saw you driving down Clemson Boulevard this afternoon with your daughter."

The girl I was dating continued, "When I told So-and-So you didn't have a daughter, So-and-So's eyes started bulging in their sockets.

"Well," So-and-So confided, "The girl I saw was riding in the front seat and had long blond hair so I just assumed it was Joe's daughter.'" Implying something else, of course, which is what gossips do.

A few days later, we introduced So-and-So to my "daughter" ....