Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Be Happy On Tuesday

(Left to right: Rover, Simba, M5)

Some people hate cats. Here at The Blue Book we love all animals.

Except hyenas ... and even then I'd probably change my mind if I could pet or walk one on a leash. But back to kitty cats.

I don't know if these are my cats, not exactly. But if you HATE AND DESPISE cats here's what I'm happy about: I'm thrilled house cats don't growup to weigh between 70-90 pounds.

That would be scary ... especially when we run out of 9 Lives Salmon & Toddler Flavor.


o.r.p. said...

aww, what sweet little predatory animals! ;) They're cute, like my monsterhead.

..agh! I'm sick and it's hot! I have to lie down now...


Jules said...

Simba looks so tiny! All 3 of mine are giant compared to yours!


joe hall said...

Jules, I dunno ... that table measures almost 4 feet across. I'm pretty sure Rover, who's especially crafty, can lick a dog 4x his size.
M5 is whacked enough to be considered the Mike "Meox Mix M5" Tyson of the neighborhood; I've seen him bite the tires off a cement-mixer truck.
They're gunslinger kitty bullies, feline desperados who'd have me for a snack if I turned my back for a single second.