Those of you living in The Upstate who thought you heard thunder this afternoon may have sighed, "Great, it's raining ... just in time to ruin what's left of my weekend."
Well, what you witnessed wasn't a weather phenomenon at all: the thunder you heard was actually a horrific crash resulting from the collision of the two most pervasive forces in The Digital Empire, namely The Blue Book waging an unrestricted Blog War versus AVCLUB.
How could there possibly be a winner in such a cunning, Anything Goes, No Holds Barred, Lights Out Steel Cage Texas Death Match Loser-Must-Leave-Town exchange of digital mega-force? Is there any way to sift through the hot hard-disk ashes and charred web cinders, to know with certainty which side won?
Oh sure, AVCLUB's got its own stylized Death Star, but here at The Blue Book an Old Favorite is still The Best Favorite ... and "This is not the pirate you're looking for" works every time.
Just ask my new pal, Captain Calypso:
Ok here's what really happened: I crawled into Ken's office whining like a scalded three-legged cat, but before I could start begging and sobbing he generously offered me this awesome gift.
Thanks Ken!
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