Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pinball love

Yep, life has patterns.

Over the past month I've seen a remarkable number of folks ... both men and women ... undergo an even more remarkable number of love affairs and relationships.

Some of these "relationships" have lasted for several months, and some for just one night.

What's common is the aftermath and the disappointment, a helplessness and despair asking, "I can't stand this happening to me ... What keeps going wrong?"

Yet (and this is so common it's almost a rule), within a week, they're goo-goo-gaa-gaa "head over heels in love" because they've "met someone new."

The folks I'm talking about bounce from bedroom to bedroom ... you get the idea.

Their lives have a pattern.

None of these folks are believers, none of them sees anything "wrong" with their sexual habits or sees any reason to act differently or question their motives ... and everyone of them will argue to the point of violence that they're in total control of their lives. And that they have a right and deserve to be happy.

They just can't seem to figure out what keeps going wrong.