Monday, August 18, 2008

product endorsement

I was siting at an "outdoor cafe" tonight when a girl walked by wearing a pink Hustler t-shirt.

A female friend confirmed, "She's about 12 years old."

The girl re-appeared in a couple of minutes, this time carrying takeout from the restaurant next door, and climbed into the passenger seat of a $70,000 biscuit-looking SUV and yep ... Mom was behind the wheel.

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Wonder what Mommy's reaction woulda been if, say on the way home, her 12 year old Hustler-t-shirt-wearing daughter had asked her to stop at the corner convenience store ... so she could pick up a copy of the current issue.

It'd be illegal for the girl to buy the magazine.

But it was apparently perfectly OK with Mom if her daughter endorsed the product in public.