Saturday, August 02, 2008

Preaching Hell-fire and Fear

I believe hell is a real place.

I believe hell is real because scripture describes hell as a place of eternal torment, and scripture doesn't contradict itself and neither does scripture lie.

Nor does scripture try to scare us into salvation, because God never said he means to scare or worry us into loving him.

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If you died tonight, do you know where you're going? Guarantee your eternal security right now with perpetual fire insurance: Brother, why not play it safe and make a decision to secure your future forever?

Is our self-interest and eternal comfort really what Christ's death and resurrection was all about?

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"Making a decision" to play it safe out of fear of being charred into a sin cinder completely ignores Christ's absolute, perfect love.

According to church tradition, 10 of the 12 disciples (excepting Judas and John) died as martyrs rather than renounce the resurrected Christ.

Pain avoidance wasn't the discples' Job One. "Playing it Safe" wasn't even a consideration ... because they realized beyond any doubt Christ was real ... and through their faith, he revealed himself in their lives and in their works.

Ignoring Christ and "walking down the aisle" just in case hell is real is nothing more than focusing on self-interest and pain avoidance.

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Does preaching hellfire and brimstone reveal Christ's love, or simply scare people into "playing it safe"? A faith based on fear and "following the rules" is shallow and self-centered, not Christ-centered.

Which could be why so many churches become arrogant and judgmental, locking their doors to keep their traditions and doctrines safe, even arguing among themselves, quarreling that church must be exactly what they say church ought to be.

Because they have no idea what Christ said church means.

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Hope based on "playing it safe just in case" is not hope based on Christ; it's doubt based on fear and self-preservation ... instead of hope based upon surrendering unconditionally to Christ, and living and loving one another as he intended.