Monday, January 22, 2007

Ready or not

Thanks this morning to Brent Sears for passing this along from Tony Morgan's blog:

10 Signs You're not Ready for Change

  1. You see other organizations as the competition instead of the idea incubators.
  2. You're trying to avoid criticism that comes when you fail...and when you succeed.
  3. You're afraid of the culture.
  4. Your life is fast and cluttered and there's no space to dream.
  5. You value getting it right over getting started.
  6. You believe conflict is a bad thing.
  7. You've stopped asking questions.
  8. You think systems and strategy are the enemy of creativity.
  9. You're expecting to receive credit for your ideas.
  10. You think you've already arrived.
Brent- I couldn't help but notice you haven't posted anything new at Five Porches since 11/14/06. Don't make me have to drive up there ... because that would be remarkably bad and significantly unpleasant. :-)

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