Friday, September 12, 2008

Notes on Failing

While talking to Brent Sears last night on the phone, I realized that despite taking 3 posts to write "Church Ain't What It USED to Be" I'd still managed to miss the point I was trying to make when I started.

The first churches didn't have steeples, the members didn't dress up for services, didn't have organs or sing from hymnals, didn't organize protests, didn't burn scolls, didn't endorse political candidates, didn't boycott certain resorts on the Mediterranean and certainly weren't country clubs where believers bought pews, dug holes and hid out.

And I sincerely doubt that anyone became a member and joined the early churches because it was the cool, popular thing to do.

I believe the first churches were formed by ordinary people who'd seen Christ alive, crucified and resurrected and that the first churches were composed of followers who believed, and could not be dissuaded from believing, in Christ ... not to benefit or glorify themselves, but because they knew he was alive.

Imagine a church today filled with people who're convicted that Christ is alive because they had witnessed his love with their own eyes.

Nope ... church sure ain't what it USED to be.