Friday, September 26, 2008


- from 12:11AM September 25, 2008 (no web connection)

Wow.  The Australian Bible Society translated the entire Bible into SMS format ... so you can now read scripture on your cell phone.  It took one person four weeks to convert all 31,173 verses of the Bible.


For the tech-social challenged still tied to land lines, cell phones can send text messages that often contain cost-saving abbreviations that look something like this:

sum1 = Someone
IMSB = I am so bored
ITYK = I thought you knew

So a Bible verse received on your cell would look something like this:

Wrk hard at wateva u do. U will soon go 2 da wrld of da dead, where no 1 wrks or thinks or reasons or knws NEting


--   --    --

R U already wondering What's the point or thinking Unless you already know what it means, that verse doesn't make any sense?  (at least, compared to the KJV  :-)

Yep, but I find myself doing the same thing on an almost daily basis without even being aware I'm doing it.  Like when describing my faith with "Righteousness itself will not cleanse you of your sins and iniquity."


Talk about rock-solid conversation terminators: Sure it's scriptural, I mean I know what I'm trying to say, but who uses words like that any more?

Clear, effective communication is difficult enough ... and just gets harder when we try sharing the gospel by rote instead of from our hearts.