Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Soul Sacrifice: Calvinism vs Christ (part 3)

As bad as the pain seemed I knew it could not compare to the agony Christ experienced as he was flogged, forced to carry his cross, and crucified with spikes hammered through his hands and feet.  Knowing what was ahead, who would choose to willingly die such a horrific death?

Jesus did: to the best of my knowledge no one else in history willingly agreed to be flogged and die by crucifixion.  Much less endure the ordeal in someone else's place.  But Jesus did.

Christ was infinitely more righteous and more loving than me: I surrender to him and trust his will.

I don't feel superior or entitled; I feel amazed, unworthy ... and humbled with incomprehension.

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The idea that God, being sovereign,  predestined certain people to be chosen,while others had no choice but to be condemned, is appalling.  

It's the worst sort of spiritual arrogance, self-righteousness and pharisaical piety.

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As human beings we like things to make sense to us, and feel comfortable applying rational concepts, like linear time and Cause and Effect, when we're challenged by the unfamiliar and faced with the infinite.  We prefer safety and security to being awed, and without realizing that we're doing it, pretend logic and deductive reasoning can help us understand what God must be.

If ants had the capacity for cognizant thought, who could blame them for looking at us and feeling confident that they understood our lives are also dedicated to moving sand piles around ... just on a much larger scale?

But God said I am.  That's BIGGER than just large ... and I believe him.