Saturday, September 06, 2008

When evil means "I'm bigger than you"

One definition of evil might be, "An eagerness to inflict, or to cause, physical pain to another person; most often to create or to affirm dominant Superior/Inferior roles; to 'teach a  lesson' and thus gain the satisfaction of involuntary control or authority; to perpetuate violence against another as a right; to cause or to seek humiliation, especially as a means of sadistic self-affirmation; to use fear or violence as a means of expression or communication in the pursuit of,  or to further, a self-glorifying agenda; usually explained as a birthright or entitlement."

The definition's not perfect, but it does fit pretty close when it comes to describing the mind-set of torturers, terrorists and tyrants.

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But it also describes the frenetic compulsion of adults who feel "Responsible Parenting" first and foremost means grabbing a belt whenever they feel like it, and spanking the asphalt outta their kids.

Oh sure, getting spanked hurt back when they were kids, but "spanking done did me good!"  

When a little person gets angry or frustrated about not having his way, he still needs that lesson, the infliction of pain, to get re-focused and be reminded who's in charge.

I mean that, what I'm saying is, the little person is the parent who entitles himself to start spanking.