Saturday, July 15, 2006

All Hail Cornflake

Rooster gonna gitcha! Gonna Gitcha!


o.r.p. said...

yikes! ;)
he isn't really gonna get me, is he? Because I have a cat named Monster Head and he's a mean chicken hunter...


joe hall said...

Oh, Cornflake's got some attitude, believe me. He's a chicken stallion.
And I've got a cat named M5 that's so mean he eats the metal top of the food can, then turns up his nose at what he's got in his bowl.

Jules said...

Doesn't your cat always want to eat your rooster? Or is it the other way around... Cornflake sounds like a real tough guy.

joe hall said...

My rooster Cornflake sorta has a "wooden" personality. But M5 is psycho; his idea of Good Times is to crawl up under the house in the middle of the night, start hissing, spitting and growling like a little pipe organ ... and then fight himself for 15 or 20 minutes. He's one nutty kitty cat.